2018 Vision Board Workshop

IMG_8561It’s hard to believe that January is almost over! The last few weeks have just flown by.

Did you make yourself some New Year resolutions as 2018 started?  Have you already broken or given up on them?

Do you REALLY want to make that project, business, job, trip, happen without regret?

If you ran out of time to make your vision board and set your goals over the holiday period, it is not too late!

Now that the kids have gone back to school why not take some time for yourself and set your intentions for 2018?

Most people never slow down long enough to ask themselves WHAT DO I REALLY WANT? They just let life happen to them.  We all have something we want to Do, Be or Have. The Cr3ative Space has a vision board workshop that can help you de-clutter your mind, allow you to dream BIG and design your best life.

A vision board is a powerful manifesting tool that works by stimulating the brain and encouraging you to go out and find what you are seeking.  The subconscious mind loves images and pictures and will help you move towards achieving your dreams and desires.

In this 3-hour workshop, you will use your imagination to create your vision board.  We will then look closely at the themes in your vision board to find your powerful intention for the year.

If you have never made a vision board before, don’t worry!  You will receive clear and simple instructions to help you.

Heaps of magazines, all materials required to craft your vision board, tea, coffee and snacks will be provided.  You will also have the opportunity to book an individual 90 minute goal setting session at half price, to really help you action your dreams.  These are normally valued at $100.

Enjoy the company of others in this workshop to give 2018 a kick start.  Why not double the fun, and bring a friend!

IMG_8514Event Details:

Dates: Monday 29th January 9:30am-12:30pm

Location: The Cr3ative Space – Gold Coast, Burleigh Waters

Cost: $65 inclusive of all materials.

What to Bring: personal photos, letters, magazines,…  anything that has value to you and what you would like to put on your vision board.

Workshop numbers are limited to 6 people, so that there are plenty of opportunities for you to receive individual instruction and guidance.

Feedback from previous participants…

“I did a vision board with Vicki. I got some great insights from it and .. without even consciously working on it I can see parts of it manifesting in my life. I can highly recommend this and Vicki.” – Yvonne

“I love my vision board that I was able to create on Saturday!! It was very therapeutic and I’ve even noticed a change in the way I approach things, especially with my family. Thank you to The Cr3ative Space and Vicki for all your wisdom and guidance. I would throughly recommend the vision board to anyone who needs a little guidance or empowerment.” – Allisen

“Feeling driven and empowered after spending a morning doing vision board and goal setting workshops with the very talented Vicki Lama who runs @thecr3ativespace art therapy studio on the Gold Coast.  Check out her classes, they are amazing!” – Tam from Ridestrong Animal Acupuncture Therapy


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