I have finally finished reading Elizabeth Gilbert’s “Big Magic.” I had pre-ordered this book before its release in 2015, but have only this week managed to get around to reading it. I have to admit that I didn’t find it earth shattering or particularly enlightening, as I think I have already been experiencing my […]
2018 Vision Board Workshop
It’s hard to believe that January is almost over! The last few weeks have just flown by. Did you make yourself some New Year resolutions as 2018 started? Have you already broken or given up on them? Do you REALLY want to make that project, business, job, trip, happen without regret? If you ran out of […]
Mindful Kids/ Mindful Teens
Mindful Kids/ Mindful Teens will focus on helping children and teens develop mindfulness skills to assist with relieving stress, managing emotions, building self-esteem, relaxation and resilience. Put simply, mindfulness is a way of training yourself to pay attention in a specific way to what is happening right now. It is about observing your thoughts, feelings, bodily […]
How To Take An Internal Selfie
When was the last time you took a selfie? How many photos did you take before you found the one that looked “just right?” When was the last time you took an “internal selfie?” I like to use this idea of an internal selfie with my clients. I get them to draw an outline […]
Gratitude… This seems to be the word being bandied around a lot lately. But what is gratitude and why is it so important? Vocabulary.com defines gratitude as a feeling of thankfulness and appreciation. So why is this feeling of thankfulness and appreciation so important? Positive psychology researchers have been studying gratitude and they have found […]
How Art Saved Me
“Creativity is what helps me escape a lot of my inner demons.” – Demi Lovato A friend and I were talking recently and we got onto the topic of mental health. Through our conversation we discovered that we both suffered from anxiety. She encouraged me to share my story, as we had both found comfort […]
Individual Art Therapy
The Cr3ative Space- Gold Coast offers individual art therapy for adults and children. Sessions are tailored to suit the needs of each individual so that you can explore the creative process, gain insight, connect with yourself in new ways and find empowerment to be your authentic self. Art therapy can be a very powerful way […]
5 Ways We Benefit From Being Creative
Why do people create? There are so many answers to this question, but the underlying theme is that we create because it makes us feel good! Researchers are continuing to study the effects and benefits of creativity. They are proving what artists have known for centuries, that the pursuit of self-expression is good for our […]
What is Art Therapy?
I am often asked “What is Art Therapy?” So to answer this question, I have tried to sum it up in a few short paragraphs. Art therapy is much more than the current trend of adult colouring books would have you believe. It is a form of expressive therapy that uses the creative process of making […]